This photograph of leprosy affecting a young male subject comes from John Wood's book of poems titled, Endurance & Suffering. The book was reviewed by the Canadian Medical Association Journal—the print version of the journal has 65,000 subscribers and the on-line version gets over a million hits a month. To access the PDF file of the review, click on "Begin manual download" on the web page here »» An expanded version with more images and poems can be accessed directly here »»
Catalogued several anonymous texts that are attributable to Montmeja, including this one on scrotal elephantiasis.
Catalogued a paper on the pork flatworm titled, Les cysticerques, by Jules Rengade.
Catalogued a paper, attributable to Montmeja, on a case of epispadias.
Catalogued a paper by Paul Oulmont titled, Exostoses de croissance multiples.
Catalogued a paper by Maunoury titled, Fracture du péroné avec luxation tibio-tarsienne en dedans; consolidation vicieuse; restauration. .
Catalogued a notice on supernumerary nipple by Montmeja.
Catalogued a paper titled, Notes sur deux maladies opérées de torticolis congénital, submitted by Didier-Dominique-Alfred Richet. Also updated Richet's paper on fistula»».
Catalogued a paper titled, Tumeur colloîde de la paroi abdominale, by Eugène Angelot. Case of a parietal tumor in a male subject.
Catalogued a paper by Quatrefages on Panceri's photographs of two African pygmy boys.
Catalogued a paper titled, Plaie du cœur par une pointe d'aiguille, by François-Elie-Maurice Longuet. Case of a needle lodged in the heart.
Catalogued a paper and photograph submitted by a Cincinnati doctor. Subject of the paper is a congenital anomaly described by Étienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire as eventration.
Catalogued an interesting paper on laryngeal nodules titled, Incrustations sur la lèvre vocale, by Louis Mandl. His first attempts at removal by acid cauterization were unsuccessful. He then resorted to polyp forceps, pince à polypes.
Catalogued Demarquay's report titled, De la ligature des vaisseaux comme moyen de traitement de l'éléphantiasis des Arabes. A document that is wonderfully historic for its association of Demarquay's importance in lymphatic disorders with an early photograph.
Charles Wood's new catalog of "Nineteenth Century Photography" includes a rare copy of Bardeleben's monograph on the comparative anatomy of the spine. The link above will bring the reader to an updated description of the book. Charles Wood is also offering an excellent copy of Duchenne's physiognomy.
Another case of dislocation.
Catalogued another of Richet's cases of luxation and reduction of the shoulder.
Catalogued a case of resection of the elbow.
Catalogued Broca's case of dislocated radius titled, Luxation en dehors de la tête du radius gauche.
Catalogued a case of laryngeal polyp reported by Georges Poyet.
Catalogued a report on Alphonse-François-Marie Guérin's case of onychia.
Updated Charles-Philippe Robin's paper on Blanche Dumas. Also added a report on his anatomical observations of the foetal lung »»
Catalogued a report on Alphonse-François-Marie Guérin's case of acne.
Catalogued a report on Broca's case of spina bifida.
Updated Crichton Browne's paper on, Acute Dementia. Added a jpeg of the clinical photograph.
Catalogued a doctoral dissertation written by an obscure medical student, A. Theodor Beck. It is titled, Elephantiasis des obern augenlides.
Catalogued a paper by André-Charles Moussous, titled, Contribution à l'étude des atrophies musculaires succédant aux affections articulaires. Recherches anatomo-pathologiques, with three photomicrographs of muscle tissue.
Added a paper titled, Syphilide papulo-hypertrophique de la langue, that I attribute to Montmeja.
Catalogued a paper by Jules-Pierre Girard, titled, Épithélioma ulcéré du prépuce et de la verge.
Catalogued a paper by Louis-Victor Poulain, titled, Hypertrophie congénitale de la jambe et lipômes multiples.
Catalogued a paper by Adolphe Cartaz, titled, Luxation coxo-fémorale congéniale double.
Catalogued a paper by Charles-Augustin-Sylvain Cauchois, titled, Épithéliome tubulé volumineux de la parotide (adénome épithélial); opération par le galvano-caustique et l'écraseur linéaire; ligature de l'artère temporale superficielle; absence d'accidents consécutifs; guérison.
Catalogued Paul-Louis Coÿne, Anévrysme cirsoïde de l'oreille gauche; injections de perchlorure de fer; modification de la tumeur; infection purulente; mort.
Catalogued Ernest-Nicolas-Joseph Onimus, De l'action thérapeutique des courants continus.
Catalogued Auguste-Félix Voisin, Crétinisme chez une enfant née à Paris de parents parisiens.
Catalogued Victor Charles Hanot, Épithéliòme tubulé du nez: parotidite suppurée à droite; phlébite de la veine méningée moyenne droite; abcès multiples des reins.
Catalogued Léopold-Eugène Dupuy, De l'elongation hypertrophique de la portion sous-vaginale du col de l'uterus.
Catalogued Paul Jules Tillaux, Molluscum pendulum du pied gauche.
Catalogued Henri Gripat, Notes sur un acéphale humain.
Catalogued Eugène Verrier, Observation d'accouchement spontané chez une femme rachitique.
Catalogued Vicente Urbino de Freitas, Um caso de lepra anesthesico-tuberosa por lesões nervo-trophicas primarias.
Heaven touched earth at the 51st International Book Fair, held at the New York Park Avenue Armory, where I picked up this splendid copy of Dr. Léon Solari, Traité pratique des maladies dites vénériennes.
Catalogued a paper on neoplasia of the eye by Francisco Lourenço da Fonseca, Júnior. Title is Neo-membranas da retina (ou do corpo vitreo?). Some scholars believe it is the first medical photograph published in Portugal. I have doubts.
Catalogued a pro venia legendi dissertation written by Julius Kollmann, titled, Die Entwicklung der Adergeflechte. Ein Beitrag zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Gehirnes.
Catalogued another French doctoral thesis, this time illustrated with a photograph by Félix Méheux, and titled, Contribution à l'étude des pseudo-tumeurs blanches syphilitiques. The thesis writer was Alfred Dureuil, about whom nothing else is known.
Two of the plates used to illustrate Barthélemy's fascinating paper on dermography titled, Du Dermographisme. Etude pathogénique clinique et historique, appearing in the publication for the second International Dermatology Congress held in Vienna in 1892 (Wien: F. Jasper, 1893 ; page 545). The top photograph of the male subject with "Satan" inscribed on his brow was taken by Félix-Justinien Méheux who was the official photographer for the first two congresses.
Catalogued a doctoral thesis by a military surgeon, titled, Essai sur les labialites tertiaires. Written by Auguste Tournier.
Catalogued a doctoral thesis on Parkinson's disease written by Paul de Saint-Léger and titled, Paralysie agitante (maladie de Parkinson); étude clinique. I have attributed the photographs to Albert Londe.
Catalogued a very obscure theoretical treatise on brain function, written by Adrien Dehachez, titled, Le Cerveau et la pensée. Trois conférences. Published posthumously.
Catalogued a biography on the botanist, Jean-François-Camille, 1784-1866, written by Paul-Antoine Cap.
Catalogued a paper by St. Thomas's Hospital staff surgeon, John Croft, titled, Plastic operations on the neck and arms for severe cicatricial deformities after burns.
Updated Rogier.