Oscar G. Mason, for fify years a professional medical and surgical photographer Bellevue Hospital and until recently photographer of the unidentified dead in the Morgue, died last night in the hospital of lobar pneumonia. He was 91 years old and lived at 211 West Eightieth Street.
Mr. Mason became connected with Bellevue Hospital as a photographer in 1856. When X-ray photography was introduced in 1897 he was made the hospital radiographer. In 1906 he resigned. Up to the time the Bureau of Unidentified Dead was established at Police Headquarters, Mr. Mason took photographs of the unclaimed dead. He also maintained an office at 333 East Twenty-Sixth Street and specialized in telescopic photography, taking astronomical pictures.
Mr. Mason was admitted to the hospital on Monday suffering from hardening of the arteries. He is survived by a wife, his second, and by a daughter.