Sputum : its microscopy and diagnostic and prognostic significations.

Plate X.

Represents many of the extraneous substances occasionally found in expectorated matters. The upper half of the shaft of a dark hair, seen on the left side, lies over a large piece of vegetable epidermic tissue, which fills nearly half of the field of view. Its roundly-angular cells and ramifying bundles of spiral vessels are beautifully seen with the aid of a small picket lens. There are also fibres of cotton, silk, and linen, and below to the right of the centre, and running perpendicularly, there is a conical bit of feather down, crossed near its upper end by a teased-out spiral vessel and a fibre of cotton. The vegetable tissue is probably tea-leaf.

Objective, Oberhäuser, No 7
Magnification, 150/1

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