Washington: Government Printing Office.
...on certain points connected with the histology of minute blood
1870: 8 pages, 11 photos, Cordasco 70-4050.
...on the magnesium and electric lights, as applied to photo-micrography.
1870: 3 leaves, 11 photos, Cordasco 70-4051.
...on the oxy-calcium light, as applied to photo-micrography.
1870: 2 leaves, 2 photos, Cordasco 70-4052.
...on an improved method of photographing histological perparations by
1871: 10 pages, 10 photos, Cordasco 70-4059.
...on an improved method of photographing histological perparations by
1871: 10 pages, 9 photos, Cordasco 70-4060.
Includes one of the first woodburytypes published by an American
firm. The American Photo-Relief Printing Company owned by John
Carbutt would go on to publish all the woodburytypes in the Medical
Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion.
...on the minute anatomy of two cases of cancer.
1872: 10 p., 1 l. 3 pl. 32 x 26 cm., Cordasco 70-4061.