Nécrose circonscrite du maxillaire inférieur; gangrène partielle de la joue gauche; autoplastie.

Giraldès, Joachim-Albin-Cardozo Cazado, 1808-1878.

Journal : Revue photographique des hôpitaux de Paris ; vol. 4.

Paris : Adrien Delahaye, 1872.

Description : [1 l. pl.], 33-36 p. ; ill.: 1 phot. ; 24.5 cm.

Photograph : 1 mounted albumen.

Subject : Lower jaw — Cancrum oris.

Notes :

La disposition de la cicatrice, indiquée nettement par la Planche IV, donne une idée de ce qu'a du être cette destruction.—Page 34.

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Giraldès was born in Portugal into a military family with noble lineage on his mother's side, but Paris became his home when his father was assigned a diplomatic post at Le Havre. Giraldès became a distinguished anatomist and medical scholar who was honored by his adopted country. His medical degree was awarded for a paper on the anatomy of the eye and his agrégation was awarded for a work on fractures of the lower jaw titled, Des luxations de la mâchoire. In 1851, his paper on diseases of the maxillary sinus titled, Des maladies du sinus maxillaire, was published—winning the Montyon prize and recognition as a laureate professor of the Faculté de médecine. In 1854, Giraldès suffered a debilitating accident during an autopsy procedure. He was cutting into hardened cartilage of the larynx when a piece of the scissors he was using broke off and destroyed his eye, resulting in long illness and gradual impairment of vision in his other eye. The debility severely curtailed his private practice. Giraldès spent his remaining years as a bibliographer and medical scholar who contributed generously to discussions of cases that were presented for publication before the various medical societies of Paris.

The photograph represents the profile of a 13 year-old girl wearing an earring who, because her immune system was compromised by typhoid fever, developed a periodontal abcess that became gangrenous.

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