Journal : Nouvelle iconographie de la Salpêtrière ; vol. 1.
Paris : Lecrosnier et Babé, 1888.
Description : 28-39 p., [2 l.] pl., 64-69 p., [1 l.] pl. ; ill.: 3 photo., 3 fig. ; 25.5 cm.
Photographs : 3 phototypes, numbered V, VI, IX.
Photographer : Albert Londe.
Subject : Limbs — Contracture.
Notes :
On the differential diagnosis of contracture in organic and psychogenic nerve, muscle, and tendon disorders. This paper supplements Blocq's monograph on the subject of contracture titled, Des contractures; contractures en général; la contracture spasmodique; les pseudo-contractures, which was also published in 1888 (Paris: Delahaye & Lecrosnier). Each of the plates is captioned, Contracture hystérique. rétractions fibro-tendineuses. (Avant l'opération), and represents contracture of the lower extremities in a female subject, prior to surgical intervention.