Cranio e cervello di un idrocefalo di 19 anni.

Tamburini, Augusto, 1848-1919.

Journal : Rivista sperimentale di freniatria e medicina legale delle alienazioni mentali ; vol. vi.

Reggio-Emilia : Stefano Calderini e figlio, 1880.

Description : 285–306 p., [3 l.] pl. ; ill.: 2 phot., 2 lith. ; 24 cm.

Photograph : 2 albumens, mounted on printed leaf, front and side views of a skull.

Subject : Cranium — Hydrocephalus.

Notes :

Tamburini1     Tamburini2

Tamburini is remembered more for a lifetime of incremental structural contributions than for anything truly groundbreaking. As director of Regio-Emilia he proposed guidelines for assessing and documenting asylum inmates which included instrumentation with a craniomenter and dynamometer, writing, "The careful and conscientious study of the entire criminal population enclosed therein, conducted without prejudice and with precision and uniformity of method, would certainly furnish, in a few years, an immense amount of material that would serve to solve a great many problems pertaining to penal and criminal disciplines" (Tamburini & Giulio Benelli, 1885, "L'antropologia nelle carceri," Rivista di Discipline Carcerarie 15 (4): 136-147). He made contributions to Lombroso's studies of criminal behavior and collaborated with his friend Luigi Luciani (1840-1890), providing him with a laboratory at Reggio-Emilia for conducting research on the physiology of the cerebellum.

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