Di un caso di anormale distribuzione congenita del pigmento cutaneo.

Forlanini, Carlo, 1847–1918 ;
Gatti, Francesco.

Journal : Annali universali di medicina e chirurgia ; vol. 231.

Milan : Fratelli Rechiedei, 1875.

Description : 64-70 p., [1 l.] pl. ; ill.: 1 phot. ; 22.5 cm.

Photograph : 1 albumen.

Subject : Skin — Congenital vitiligo.

Notes :

Subject of the photograph is a 17 year old female peasant, premenarche, from the Vignate commune. After establishing that the girl's condition existed from birth, the authors surmised a rare case of congenital vitiligo and felt compelled to publish—Ci colpí la strana pigmentazione della cute, la quale, come ci assicuro il padre, data dalla nascita e pensammo di portare a cognizione pubblica il caso. The authors also observed a slight goitre and this sign together with the primary amenorrhea and an associated vitiligo are strong indications that the girl suffered from Grave's disease.

Dr. Forlanini understood that normal dynamic lung function inhibited recovery from pulmonary tuberculosis and he invented the first device, a pneumothorax, for maintaining therapeutic static lung pressure. He was the son of Francesco Forlanini, physician and director of the Ospedale Fatebenefratelli in Milan and his brother was famed aeronautics engineer, Enrico Forlanini (1848-1930).

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