Ueber Sehnerven-Degeneration und Sehnerven-Kreuzung. Fest-Schrift der medizinischen Fakultät der Universität Würzburg zur Feier des lxx. Geburtstages des Dr. Albert von Kölliker.

Michel, Julius von, 1843–1911.

Wiesbaden : J. F. Bergmann, 1888.

Description : bt, [1 l.] pl., tp, [1]–91 p., [3 l.] pl. & [6] p. expl. text ; illus: 16 phots., liths. ; 35.7 cm.

Photographs : collotype figures (photomicrographs of the optic nerve) on 1 printed leaf.

Photographer : Kühl & Cie, Frankfurt am Main.

Subject : Chiasm — Decussation ; atrophy.

Notes :

Whether optic nerve decussation in the chiasm is whole or partial has puzzled anatomists as far back as Galen. In his 'Treatise on Optics,' Newton (1704) conjectured that partial decussation was an explanation for the phenomenon of hemiopia. On the other hand, Brown-Séquard (1872) discovered that dividing the chiasm along the median line left a laboratory animal totally blind, suggesting a complete decussation of the optic fibers took place in that body. Michel, who built his reputation on the study of the optic nerve and the hypothesis of complete decussation, was the first to describe the basket weave pattern of the chiastic structure and stated, "It would also seem strange, since a complete crossing occurs in mammals, that this would not be exactly the same case for humans." (1873, p. 76) However, Gudden (1875) wrote in opposition that though Michel's drawings were accurate, they were delineated from only one horizontal slice, when multiple slices were required to build a true picture of the chiasm. Michel devoted tremendous effort to defending his error, culminating in this lavish production with its oversized plates, intending to silence the followers of his nemesis who had suspiciously drowned the previous year.

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