Observações de um caso de hermaphrodismo masculino.

Figueira, Carlos Miguel Augusto May, 1829-1913.

Lisboa : Imprensa Nacional, 1864.

Description : [1]–21 p., [1 l.] pl ; illus: 3 phots. ; 21.5cm.

Photographs : three albumens mounted to card, book-stamp of the author.

Photographer : author, Carlos May Figueira.

Subject : Genitalia — Congenital malformations ; pseudovaginal perineoscrotal hypospadia.

Notes :

Tratei de conservar e preparar a cabeça e orgãos sexuaes d'este hermaphrodita, offerecendo-os depois ao museu de anatomia pathologica da escola medico-cirurgica de Lisboa, aonde podem ser vistos e observados, assim como as photographias da physionomia do mesmo individuo, que tirei durante a vida, e a dos orgãos sexuaes dissecados depois da morte.–Page 3.

I tried to preserve and prepare the head and sex organs of this hermaphrodite, and then offered them to the museum of pathological anatomy of the medical-surgical school of Lisbon, where they can be seen and observed, as well as the photographs of the physiognomy of the same individual, that I took from life, and those of the sex organs, dissected after death.–Page 3.

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Not known to Neugebauer (1908, »»). The term, hermaphrodite, appears frequently in the text, but Figueira is well aware of the misnomer. There are three albumen photographs pasted to a card that was inserted in the brochure. The top image is a portrait of the hospitalized subject, Bernardina de Senna, whose self-identification as a woman was counterfeited by the face of a bearded old man, registered by the camera. Two photographs below are views of the sectioned pelvis with the genitals displayed ad vivum in one, and with the testes dissected for the second photograph. These are the earliest published photographs of intersex that I have found. The acclaimed Parisian female pseudohermaphrodite, Marie-Madeleine Lefort, also died in 1864, and was photographed under similar circumstances, but the photographs were not published until 1875. A review of the literature is included with particular attention to the case of the prostitute, Marie Rosine Göttlich – later Gottlieb Göttlich – who, in 1858, was presented by Ernst August Pech (1788–1863) to the Dresden Medical-Surgical Academy. Figueira introduced microscopy and photomicrography into the curriculum of the Lisbon Medical-Surgical School.

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