Stuttgart & München : J.G. Cotta’schen, 1861-1867.
Description : [52] p., [39] pl. (part fold.) ; ill.: 52 photos. (46 fig.s) ; 52 cm.
Photographs : Poitevin photolithographs.
Photographer : Joseph Albert.
Subject : Brain ; Peripheral nerves — Anatomical atlases.
Notes :
Rüdinger's artistic preparations used the latest techniques introduced by his mentor, Theodor Bischoff, but it was as a prototype of photolithographic illustration of anatomy which proclaimed this a visionary atlas. Joseph Albert (1825-86) was the first in Germany to commercialize Adolphe Louis Poitevin's (1819-82) invention of the bichromated gelatin process.
• Erste Lieferung (1861): 8 text leaves, 5 photographs, containing figs. I, III, V-XI. Prospectus glued to inside of front
board of erste Lieferung.
• Zweite Lieferung (1861): 5 text leaves, 5 photographs, containing figs. II, IV, XII-XIV.
• Dritte & vierte Lieferung (1862): 3 text leaves, 10 photographs, containing figs. XV-XIX, XXI-XXII (XVII, XXI, XXII double page).
• Fünfte & sechste Lieferung (1863): 2 text leaves, 10 photographs, containing figs. XX, XXIII-XXVII, XXXII-XXXIII (XXVI-XXVII double page). Printed slip listing contents pasted to inside of front board.
• Siebente & achte Lieferung (1863): 2 text leaves, 9 photographs, containing figs. XXVIII-XXIX, XXXIV-XXXV, XXXVIII (XXVIII, XXXIV-XXXV, XXXVIII double page). Printed slip listing contents pasted to inside of front board.
• Neunte Lieferung (1865): 2 text leaves, 6 photographs, containing figs. XXX-XXXI, XXXVI-XXXVII, XXXIX, XXXXIII (XXXXIII double page. Printed slip listing contents pasted to inside of front board.
• Zehnte (Schluss-) Lieferung (1867): 4 text leaves, 7 photographs, containing figs. XXXX-XXXXII, XXXXIV- XXXXVI (XXXXII, XXXXIV double page). Printed slip listing contents pasted to inside of front board.