Case of hemiatrophia facialis. (Living specimen).

Payne, Joseph Frank, 1840-1910.

Journal : Transactions of the Pathological Society of London, vol. 32.

London : Smith, Elder and Co., 1881.

Description : 306-310 p., [1 l.] pl. ; ill.: 2 photos. ; 22 cm.

Photograph : autotype, right and left profiles of the subject.

Subject : Face — Parry-Romberg's disease.

Notes :

Remarks.— This case is especially interesting from its history. The man was seen by Romberg in 1847, and by Virchow in 1859 ; in later years by Professors Eulenburg, Charcot, and others. It is an example of the condition known as Hemiatrophia facialis, which some have thought should more properly be called hemiaplasia, since there is not so much wasting of the affected side as cessation of growth. — Page 308.

This patient was seen when a boy of nine years old, in 1847, by Romberg, who described him in his Klinische Ergebnisse (Berlin, 1851), p. 84. At that time there was a " yellowish-grey " pigmentation over great part of the affected side. The temperature and special senses, as well as common sensibility, were unaffected. The account then given of the origin of the atrophy differs somewhat from that given here. It would seem that the impairment of the special senses now seen in the patient must be a result of the atrophy. — Page 310 [footnote].

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Illustrating Dr. Payne's Case of Hemiatrophia Facialis.

Two photographs (reproduced in autotype) representing the right and left sides respectively of the patient's head and face.

The two portraits show the aged appearance of the left side and the comparatively youthful look of the right.

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Otto Schwann, the 42 year-old German portrayed in the two photographs, is the same patient made famous by Moritz Heinrich Romberg (1795-1855) from his classic study on facial hemiatrophy (Klinische Ergebnisse, Berlin, 1846). He was also photographed in France for the second edition of Grasset's monograph, Traité pratique des maladies du système nerveux and by the Scottish photographer Thomas Annan (1829-1887) for Sir William Tennant Gairdner of Glasgow University although it was probably never published. Schwann's portrait also appeared as a woodcut illustrating abstracts written by several other curious physicians around this time.

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