De la prothèse immédiate, appliquée à la résection des maxillaires;

rhinoplastie sur appareil prothétique permanent; restauration de la face, lèvres, nez, langue, voute et voile du palais.

Martin, Claude, 1843-1911.

Paris : G. Masson, 1889.

Description : [1 l.] p, [i]-x p., [1]-440 p. ; ill.: 230 in-text engr. & phot. ; 24.3 cm.

Photographs : 25 in-text phototypes (process unverified).

Subject : Face — Reconstructive surgery ; Prostheses.

Notes :

On n'a qu'à parcourir le livre de M. Martin, et l'on verra, par les nombreuses photographies qui y sont reproduites, la perfection de forme qu'on obtient par cette nouvelle méthode de prothèse. Qu'on compare ces figures à celles des sujets qui ont été abandonnés à eux-mêmes après la résection des maxillaires et l'on comprendra tous les avantages de la prothèse immédiate dans le cas où l'âge du sujet et la nature de la lésion doivent faire attacher une importance capitale au côté esthétique de l'opération.—Ollier's preface, Page v.

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The two photographs shown here represent a 38 year-old female patient who suffered the terrible disfigurement of lupus vulgaris. Of the two hundred forty in-text figures, twenty-five are photo intaglios. Three of these (figs. 3, 95, 97) represent plaster casts. Two photographs (figs. 4, 5) are printed a second time (as figs. 55, 43). Figure 94 is also printed a second time as figure 111 with a third photograph (fig. 110) representing the patient before her operation. The fifteen remaining images are mostly sets representing patients before and after their surgery. The sets comprise figures 103-104; 127-128; 132-133; 137-138; 146-147; 176-177. This leaves three images that are not paired, figures 2, 41 and 140.

There is scant biographical information on Claude Martin and his remarkable sculpted appliances. He was born the son of a ribbon weaver in St. Etienne and his first training was for the fabric trade, under the patronage of a Lyon manufacturer of tassels and trimmings. However, a local dentist was impressed by Martin's cleverness and accepted him as a student, later sending him off to his brother who had a dental practice in Paris. Martin befriended medical students and audited their lectures and clinical demonstrations which eventually led to formal studies, under difficult circumstances, in both Paris and Lyon. Martin opened up a dental practice in Lyon in 1873 and a short time later he began training in jaw reconstruction and prosthodontics under the guidance of the great orthopedic surgeon, Louis Xavier Edouard Leopold Ollier (1830-1900). It was around this time that Martin introduced the prothèse immédiate the immediate placement of a prosthetic restoration during a surgical procedure and before cicatrisation and tissue hardening made the wound unreceptive. The book is a landmark in maxillofacial prosthodontics.

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