Art. IV.

Two Cases of Sporadic Cholera — Fatal Termination from Exhaustion in Six Days.

Read before the Alameda County Medical Association, Nov. 3.

Fish, M. W., M. D., East Oakland, Cal.

The Western Lancet, Vol. I., November issue.

San Francisco: A. L. Bancroft and Company, 1872.

Trenor, Eustace, A.M., M.D., and
Babcock, Heman, P., M.D., editors.

Description: 1 leaf, photo., 648-51 pp., 21.5cm.

Photograph: mounted albumen, on heavy stock.

Photographer: Bradley and Rulofson.

Subject: cholera, vibrio cholerae.

Two related cases of cholera treated by Dr. Fish. The two men, aged 50 and 52, were brothers and both worked for the same livery stable where they also took quarters under unsanitary conditions. Dr. Fish diagnosed the cholera as a "sporadic" or Asian form of the illness which he distinguishes from the epidemic form, cholera morbus (antiq.), but he is at a loss to explain the cause of the disease, even suggesting it is a miasmic disease. It was in 1884 when Koch found the vibrio cholera and explained its transmission through drinking water.

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